Why is it Challenging for Activist Funds to Engage with Companies with a Low PBR?


Buying Low Market Cap relative to Book value Could be effective...


However, it is NOT!




What Warrenf Buffett said




Warren Buffett's Take on Benjamin Graham's Strategy in 2000:

  • Warren Buffett credits Benjamin Graham with a significant influence on his investment success and holds "The Intelligent Investor" as the greatest book on investing.
  • Graham's strategy of buying stocks trading at two-thirds or less than net current assets provided a margin of safety and satisfactory returns.
  • While this strategy might still yield positive outcomes due to corporate activities, such as takeovers, it's challenging to find stocks trading below their net current assets in today's market.
  • The investment landscape has shifted; previously, when businesses stopped working, their working capital could be taken and given to shareholders, but now, the culture has changed, and many others claim parts of the working capital.
  • Graham's era featured many more companies selling below their working capital and at low P/E ratios, but today's market presents a different set of opportunities and challenges.

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